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If you ever run across

Musselman's work, grab it!  

In her 2005 work "Deadly Collection", noted San Francisco antiques dealer and mystery-book writer Elaine Flinn writes:

The artists mentioned in Deadly Collection - Joe Tanous, Richard Morgan, Darwin Musselman and Don Clausen - are the real thing, and if you ever run across their work, grab it!

Welcome to the Hotel Californian...

1936 Yuletide music featuring baritone Darwin Musselman:

Photo Trivia:

Picture Trivia What's the significance of the Tower Theater to Darwin?

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Santa Cruz, California - on the coast due west of Fresno - was the home of Musselman's mother-in-law: Laura (Brodeur) Walker. Several paintings and watercolors were executed en plein aire near the Twin Lakes region abode.

Santa Cruz Pier, 1953   

Photographic Memories...

The (Old) Fresno State College - where Darwin did his under-graduate work, and began teaching before moving to the new campus on Shaw Avenue near Clovis.

Darwin's old home from 1953 - 1956 is still located across from (now) Fresno City College, on the corner of N. Poplar Ave. at E. McKinley.

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